

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How do I download from your site?

A: Each posting has a Mediafire, Depositfiles, Sendspace, or Rapidshare link. When you click on the link you will be taken to one of those sites where the actual file is located. You can click on the link to download the bootleg.

2. Q: When clicking on one of the download links I see the message "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable." Can you please re-upload the file?

A: "Temporarily Unavailable" means just as it says. The error is usually generated when there is a problem on one or more of the Upload servers. When the problem is fixed the link will return. It can take minutes, an hour or rarely up to a few days. But the link will indeed return. I will not take time to re-upload such files because they will eventually come back. If and only if the links are down for an extended period of time will I consider replacing them. Please do not report temporarily unavailable files to me via email.

3. Q: Do you check for broken links?

A: No, I do not have time to do that.  This blog operates on a "first come, first serve" motto.

4. Q: What is the best way to reach you?

A: Email.  Do not send upload requests via the comments section.  I check email regularly.  If I have time to re-upload, then I will do so.

5.  Do you post official bootlegs that are for sale on the Ten Club?

A: NO!  Ten Club has been nice enough to allow all of us to trade or post shows that range from the years 1990-2007.  Their only rule is that we do not post stuff that is currently for sale on the Ten Club which ranges from 2008 - Present.  If you see any thing from 2008 - Present on this blog, then it is a fan recorded copy of the show.  If you want an official boot from this era, then please go to the Ten Club and buy it.

More FAQ's Coming Soon...